Green Inspo & Eco Info

July 27, 2024
The Green Initiative - World Environment Day

We’ve already touched upon the topic of sustainability in some of our previous posts, so it’s already established - it’s not just another buzzword. With so many environmental issues in...

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Don't Panic, it's Organic - Sustainable Fashion Certifications You Need to Know About

Sustainable fashion certifications are third-party programs that assess and verify the sustainability practices of fashion brands and products. They are there to ensure that the items you purchase meet several...

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Beginner's Guide to Ice Baths

Today, we’re going to talk about a trend that has been on the rise for quite some time now: ice baths. We’ve known it for ages, but only recently has...

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Quick Guide to Bathroom Safety

Here’s a question we probably don’t ask ourselves or hear too often – what is the most dangerous room in the house? As surprising as it may sound, the only...

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Back to the Roots – Short History of Sustainability

In recent years, we’ve definitely seen a huge increase in the number of companies offering “sustainable” or “environmentally conscious” products all over the world. We also keep hearing about sustainable energy...

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The Tale of 3 Cycles – Recycling, Upcycling and Downcycling

With the world’s population growing immensely over the past few years, the amount of waste produced yearly has also increased significantly. According to The World Bank, about 40% of the...

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Don't Get Bamboozled - Things to Look Out for Before Buying a 'Sustainable' Product

Over the past few years, the popularity of sustainable practices and products has been on an upward trajectory. Many modern manufacturers aim to produce sustainably by using organic materials or...

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Eco-Friendly 2023: Top 7 Products to Replace for a More Sustainable Future

As our planet faces more environmental challenges, we all must do our part to make more eco-friendly choices. Many everyday items harm the planet, and we can make an impactful...

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Go Green or Go Home: Bamboo – the ideal environmental option

Responsible husbandry of our planet’s natural resources is not a new concept: Native Americans tracking buffalo across the Great Plains and Inuit fishermen harvesting whales in the Arctic Ocean are...

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